Friday, 13 November 2009

Completed Games Quicklist

Heres a quick download list of all my completed games:

Pi There!
Chronos - A Tapestry of Time
Universal Hero
Rocket Crazy
Defence Command
Spacy Vaders
Ping Pong

Update 12/3/16 - Please note that I've moved my file hosting over to Google Drive as my ISP no longer provides this service. When clicking on a link you'll go to a new page - click on the "download" icon at the top of the screen to download the game.

Have fun!


  1. Dear Kryten,

    Nice job on Chronos & your retro remakes. It keeps alive in a way the fun that was had in a very special era of computing. So- in the spirit of freeware you may like to have something return to you with some interesting results. You can have a reworked with version of Chronos- the graphics are an attempt to keep more with the original tape cover as well as the old Spectrum version. You may be interested to have a copy to look over. I can be contacted at the address below upon which I can send you the zip file. It is hoped that you enjoy this- many regards-

    Matt Gray

    phone 0761617682 Johannesburg, South Africa

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  2. Oooooh!....this is smart isn't it? :D

    Much better this way matey - keep up the fantastic work (even though you're painfully modest about your games....they're ace..ok? ;) ) and hopefully you'll get around to finishing Scuba Dive some day...


  3. Tis a bit easier than faffing with a website :)

    Cheers DS, much appreciated!
